Saturday, February 21, 2009

Two Victories! Ken Dominates Thunder Hawk and Balrog!

I run thru T.Hawk and then Balrog,
playing as Ken.

A little-know fact is that the names of the warriors were, at first, limited to 8 chars for technical reasons.

Or maybe I just made that up.

Anyhow, that's why it's "T. Hawk" and "M. Bison" instead of the full names.

If anyone is actually reading this, leave a comment 'cause I don't think I've ever gotten a diddly squat of feedback on this blog, but I have on the LJ one... but that's how it usually goes.. LJ is a true community, blogspot, err, I dunno, it seems like a place to just post stuff easily but I wonder whether to continue with it.

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