Sometime between Sunday night and now, Tuesday evening, I got some rest, built a PC, and did a 10-minute (or so ) video for the YouTube Channel, Bajan13K.
As a result of all of this work and static-ness, I'm now fighting off the symptoms of a 'flu. The enemy is not inside the gates yet, though, I am fighting it back with vigor and concentration. Not to mention, activity.
So, today I went and did a few errands, and I also cleaned up a bit... one of my neighbors says that I seem to somehow create space with my re-arrangement skills (which I call, humbly, layout-fu).
I'm not sure if anyone reads this blog yet, I haven't tried to promote it other than an easily overlooked link from the Bajan13K YouTube Channel, but it moved from something I just started out of a random link-following spree, into a diary of sorts which aims to parallel updates to said channel, but also includes a much more detailed and wider look at issues affecting video-gaming.
Well, in Persona 3 (P3) , if you study every night as well as run thru the dungeon (there's only one as far as I know, Tartarus or whatever) for extended periods, you'll be sick and have to forego both acedemic and physical excursions for a time, until you recover. It seems therefore that I didn't take the hint, eh? But, my problem is really the heat of this "cave" that I live in. It's made of mostly solid rock and metal, so it is hot an constricted, even at night. Actually, ambient temp. here is around 30-35 degrees C (90s of F. scale), so, for me at least, it is rather brutal.
The fact that it is hotter inside than outside is not inevitable, though: ceiling fans, high roofs, and box-fridges (you know, AC units) all help... none of which I have, so, I have to suffer, for now. However, I'm thinking of more and more ambitious yet somehow realistic plans to rennovate this apartment, ior build a better one... for now, though, I need to get strong enough to work thru the heat, which is why I worked so hard recently.
The score, then, is so far about 10-18, with me being the 18, in the match between the Flu and myself. I'm winning, but I can't afford to become complacent.
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